International Wiki Sasukepedia
Ninja Sports Network – US Events live and on demand
The classical structure of sport organizations, following the monopolistic and hirarchical approach, based on the political structures of countries. Currently Ninjasport is mainly part of the OCR sports (Obstacle Course Racing) federations.
FISO: Fédération Internationale de Sports d’Obstacles (World Obstacle)
UNNA: Ultimate Ninja Athlete Association (USA)
SOSF: Swiss Obstacle Sports Federation (CH)
German Vereine
Familien- und Kindersportverein Thannhausen e.V.
Turn- und Gymnastik Verein Bonn e.V.
Next to the classical sports organizations, Ninjasport is also organized privately, mostly commercially by or for gyms. This is a very common approach in the US.
Leagues in Europe
British Ninja League Association (UK)
International Leagues